Writers’ Greatest Fears
Have you ever questioned your ability to write and fear that no one will
want to read your work? Or, perhaps, it’s another desire other than writing
that you haven’t pursued?
Author Rose Anderson recently wrote in Romance Books 4 Us: “When I became a novelist, I jumped right in. It's a weird story really.
I had been working on a wordy 5-book masterpiece for years (I call it my magnum
opus or MO for short). When the end of the tale drew near, I began to fret. What
if no one wanted to read it? What if I couldn't get a publisher to even take it
If you follow Rose’ career, you’ll see
that she has done extremely well and has many admirers.
After reading Rose’s post, I was
reminded of a quote that I’ve kept a copy of for years. I stumbled on it just
this week, while clearing out a drawer. The quote reminds me that Fear is our
worst enemy. If God has given us the desire to write, then it’s a gift endowed
by our creator. It’s up to me to believe, embrace a gift, hone it, and be thankful
for it. There will always be others who write better and are more admired. That
doesn’t take anything away from God’s gift to me. In fact, these authors help
me to strive to work harder and learn more.
Do we neglect other gifts?
I also love to draw. Time,
responsibilities, and inclinations don’t allow me to expend the energy to
practice and learn more. Perhaps, if I were better organized… Or, could it be that I believe I just don’t
have a gift that could be honed and improved?
There I go again.
Isn’t it better to believe that if we
found the time to hone our gifts, we might realize that it’s our thinking that
holds us back, not our abilities?

I'm inadequate?
Or, should I believe if I kept
at it, I could do it?
Obviously, there are many things we don’t want
to do, even if we have a measure of talent, and that’s fine. As long as that’s
our reason and not that we can’t do
Smile when you think of your
I’m writing this and sharing my
thoughts to encourage others who might feel inadequate or question their
abilities to smile with appreciation at the marvelous gifts you’ve been given
because you’re worth it! God said so.
this quote to heart:
Deepest Fear by Marianne Williamson
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that
we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most
frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented,
fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your
playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about
shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant
to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that
is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our
own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates
on and shine your light!
Love this post, Elaine. I've saved your quote with others I hold profound. I don't normally post my own old links on another author's blog, but I wanted you to see the first quote that told me I wasn't inadequate. It's the first one here: http://calliopeswritingtablet.com/2011/04/26/flashes-of-brilliance/
ReplyDeleteAnyone can see the love in your sketch. I say it's just perfect. And thank you for the nice words about me. :)
Thank you, Rose for your kind comments and sharing your post. I enjoyed reading "Flashes of Brilliance. I, too, save quotes that speak to me and not only remind me that there is a power greater than ourselves, but that we are meant to be here. Best, Elaine
ReplyDeleteI totally agree. There are times when I'm writing when I sit here thinking, "Will anyone even care about these words I've laboring over?" And then I decide that it's important to just keep plugging away because I have a story I want to tell. I'm sure we all have that little fear inside us...even the most successful writers. (Well, okay, maybe there are a few who no longer have that thought, but I'm sure they did at some point.) Great blog post. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteDarn....and then I had a typo...that should have said ...these words I've LABORED over. Will anyone even care that I made that mistake and came back to fix it?
ReplyDeleteHi Laurie, Thanks for commenting. I feel the same way you do when I make a typo in a simple conversation.When someone sees the error, they might think I'm not a good writer... Hogwash! It's just that our brains are thinking faster than our fingers.
ReplyDeleteBest, Elaine